Vocabulary Word
Word: lurid
Definition: wild; sensational; graphic; gruesome; horrible; Ex. lurid details of the murder
Definition: wild; sensational; graphic; gruesome; horrible; Ex. lurid details of the murder
Sentences Containing 'lurid'
Yet there was great temptation, there, to drop into lurid writing.
At first it was but a lurid spark upon the stone pavement.
Then it was withdrawn as suddenly as it appeared, and all was dark again save the single lurid spark which marked a chink between the stones.
And along the margin where the water sometimes broke was a thick incrustation of salt--pink under the lurid sky.
It was a sombre evening, with a lurid light in the sky; and as I saw the prospect scowling in the distance, with here and there some larger object starting up into the sullen glare, I fancied it was no inapt companion to the memory of this fierce woman.
Here and there, some early lamps were seen to twinkle in the distant city; and in the eastern quarter of the sky the lurid light still hovered.
For in his eyes I read some lurid woe would shrivel me up, had I it.
Our captain has his birthmark; look yonder, boys, there's another in the sky--lurid-like, ye see, all else pitch black.
In part, this was due to the manner of the painting's exhibition: in Paris it had initially been hung high in the Salon Carré—a mistake that Géricault recognised when he saw the work installed—but in London it was placed close to the ground, emphasising its monumental impact. There may have been other reasons for its popularity in England as well, including "a degree of national self-congratulation", the appeal of the painting as lurid entertainment, and two theatrical entertainments based around the events on the raft which coincided with the exhibition and borrowed heavily from Géricault's depiction.
Given their subject matter and lurid approach, Fisher's films, though commercially successful, were largely dismissed by critics during his career.
Of it Ruskin said, "I have never seen the oppression of sunlight in a clear, lurid, rainy atmosphere more perfectly or faithfully rendered, and the various portions of reflected and scattered light are all studied with equal truth and solemn feeling."
Self-styled pastors Clifford Peeples, previously convicted under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, John Somerville, and their associates, were dubbed by RUC chief constable, Ronnie Flanagan "the demon pastors" – specialising in recounting lurid stories of Catholic savagery towards Protestants, and in finding biblical justifications for Protestant retaliation.
In the late 1940s "Amazing" began to print stories about the Shaver Mystery, a lurid mythos that explained accidents and disaster as the work of robots named "deros".
Gernsback experimented with a more sober cover for the September 1928 issue, but it sold poorly, and so the lurid covers continued.
His hostility to enemies of Britain and a crude racism is evident in his illustrations commissioned to accompany William Maxwell's "History of the Irish rebellion in 1798" (1845) where his lurid depictions of incidents in the rebellion were characterised by the simian-like portrayal of Irish rebels.
Boucher concluded that "Live and Let Die" was "a lurid meller contrived by mixing equal parts of Oppenheim and Spillane".
She played Dorothy McNab, an American writer living in London who was famous for her lurid and sensationalist thriller novels.
One of the reasons the work has become a literary masterpiece is that the author manages to couch her account in a fine, dignified style, giving elegance and shine to even the most lurid details.