Vocabulary Word
Word: omnipotent
Definition: all-powerful; having unlimited power
Definition: all-powerful; having unlimited power
Sentences Containing 'omnipotent'
They assert that the Deity is the immediate cause of the union between soul and body; and that they are not the organs of sense, which, being agitated by external objects, produce sensations in the mind; but that it is a particular volition of our omnipotent Maker, which excites such a sensation, in consequence of such a motion in the organ.
So omnipotent is art; which in many a district of New Bedford has superinduced bright terraces of flowers upon the barren refuse rocks thrown aside at creation's final day.
The vast swells of the omnipotent sea; the surging, hollow roar they made, as they rolled along the eight gunwales, like gigantic bowls in a boundless bowling-green; the brief suspended agony of the boat, as it would tip for an instant on the knife-like edge of the sharper waves, that almost seemed threatening to cut it in two; the sudden profound dip into the watery glens and hollows; the keen spurrings and goadings to gain the top of the opposite hill; the headlong, sled-like slide down its other side;--all these, with the cries of the headsmen and harpooneers, and the shuddering gasps of the oarsmen, with the wondrous sight of the ivory Pequod bearing down upon her boats with outstretched sails, like a wild hen after her screaming brood;--all this was thrilling.
But, in general, they toil with their jack-knives alone; and, with that almost omnipotent tool of the sailor, they will turn you out anything you please, in the way of a mariner's fancy.
But the bird has a voice, and with plaintive cries will make known her fear; but the fear of this vast dumb brute of the sea, was chained up and enchanted in him; he had no voice, save that choking respiration through his spiracle, and this made the sight of him unspeakably pitiable; while still, in his amazing bulk, portcullis jaw, and omnipotent tail, there was enough to appal the stoutest man who so pitied.
I know that of me, which thou knowest not of thyself, oh, thou omnipotent.
He made a grant to the Temple in 1133 of the village of Brucafel "that Omnipotent God in his mercy should make us and our posterity live in good perseverance, and that after the course of this life should deign to receive us in a good end."
See Omnipotent
Almighty may also refer to:
His subsequent Hugo award-winning novel "A Fire Upon the Deep" (1992) starts with an imaginative description of the evolution of a superintelligence passing through exponentially accelerating developmental stages ending in a transcendent, almost omnipotent power unfathomable by mere humans.
The Garrison Forest "Alma Mater" has lyrics written by founding headmistress Mary Moncrieffe Livingston, which are sung to the tune of her favorite Episcopal hymn, "God, the Omnipotent" by Alexis Lvov (1798–1870):
"Hail, Gladdening Light, Our lamp of wisdom, Hail!
Projection is an attempt to eject the bad in order to control through omnipotent mastery.
This is especially revealed when Lieutenant Chartrand remembers a conversation with the Camerlengo in which he asks about how God can be both omnipotent "and" benevolent.
Krševan" in Zadar, in thanks for the "expansion of the kingdom on land and on sea, by the grace of the omnipotent God" ("quia Deus omnipotenus terra marique nostrum prolungavit regnum").
Master Order and Lord Chaos next conspired with other metaphysical and "omnipotent" beings against the Beyonder.
Believers are encouraged to believe in miracles, and to idealize all their weaknesses by imagining an omnipotent, omniscient, immortal God who represents the antithesis of all human flaws and shortcomings.
Theistic Satanists venerate Satan as a supernatural deity, viewing him not as omnipotent but rather as a patriarch.