Vocabulary Word
Word: paucity
Definition: scarcity; dearth
Definition: scarcity; dearth
Sentences Containing 'paucity'
This will not only procure that cheerfulness, which from the goodness, but that also, which from the paucity of actions doth usually proceed.
In the meantime, Henry Howard, now Lieutenant General Surrey, loses a disastrous battle at Boulogne and, in an attempt to usurp power away from the new men like the Seymours and Richard Rich, he is arrested and tried for treason and executed, despite the paucity of evidence against him.
Moreover, Sextus Julius Africanus's generally more accurate copy of Manetho's Epitome explicitly states that “3 Kings” intervened between Osorkon I and Takelot I. While Manetho's suggested position for these three kings cannot be presently verified due to the paucity of evidence for this period and the brevity of their reigns, another of these poorly known monarchs would be Tutkheperre Shoshenq who was an early Dynasty 22 ruler since he is now monumentally attested in both Lower and Upper Egypt at Bubastis and Abydos respectively.
Because of their asaccharolytic nature, and a general paucity of positive results in routine biochemical tests, laboratory identification of the fusobacteria has been difficult. However, the application of novel molecular biological techniques to taxonomy has established a number of new species, together with the subspeciation of "Fusobacterium necrophorum" and "F. nucleatum", and provided new methods for identification.
There is a paucity of evidence for Jewish persecution of "heretics" in general, or Christians in particular, in the period between 70 and 135.
Osama bin Laden's expressed hostility to Saddam's regime, critical assessment of evidence from the Iraqi National Congress (the source of most of the claims of cooperation between the two) as well as the paucity of evidence for the alleged links, particularly for any substantial collaboration, have led most journalists and intelligence analysts not associated with or supporters of the Bush administration to dismiss the claimed links.
While making "Chicago X", the band felt satisfied that they were making a solid record, yet the feeling — especially with producer James William Guercio — was that there might be a paucity of hits on the album.
Fossils of flying animals tend to be confined to exceptional fossil deposits formed under highly specific circumstances, resulting in a generally poor fossil record, and a particular paucity of transitional forms.
As a result, there is a paucity of independent in-depth studies of the organization.
Due to the paucity of records for this species, most information about their habitat is circumstantial. It has been hypothesized by BirdLife International that these birds are altitudinal migrants due to their diet.
This paucity of sources means that any specific or detailed claims need to be regarded with caution.
This is the only contemporary account of the battle, and the paucity of detail led many later historians to invent their own.