Vocabulary Word
Word: penitent
Definition: repentant; N.
Definition: repentant; N.
Sentences Containing 'penitent'
He expressed no regret for what he had done which satisfied her; his style was not penitent, but haughty.
``Send one of your men, disguised as a penitent friar, and I will give it to him.
``Excellency,''said a servant, opening the door,``a man in the dress of a penitent wishes to speak to you.''
Yet perhaps if I had found you humble and penitent, I might have prevented Benedetto from killing you; but I found you proud and blood thirsty, and I left you in the hands of God.''
As to the washerwoman pawning the clothes, and coming in a state of penitent intoxication to apologize, I suppose that might have happened several times to anybody.
The surprise and its consequences would have been much less disagreeable to me if he had not been penitent.
But he was very penitent indeed, and in a peculiar way--not in the lump, but by instalments.
The soldier is applauded who refuses to serve in an unjust war by those who do not refuse to sustain the unjust government which makes the war; is applauded by those whose own act and authority he disregards and sets at naught; as if the state were penitent to that degree that it hired one to scourge it while it sinned, but not to that degree that it left off sinning for a moment.
It was followed by "The Penitent" (1922), about Alexander I; "The Passion Flower" (1924), about Nicholas I and Alexander Pushkin.
The Lock Asylum for the Reception of Penitent Female Patients (also known as the Lock Rescue Home) was proposed in 1787 and opened in 1792 as a refuge for women who had been treated at the Lock Hospital. It was originally sited in Osnaburg Row and moved, first to Knightsbridge in 1812, and then to Lower Eaton Street in 1816.
Historian Louis P. Masur wrote, “The ritual of execution day required that condemned prisoners demonstrate publicly that they were penitent, and the execution sermons repeatedly pounded the chord of penitence”.
Later, 9th-century legends attributed to Erwig the poisoning of the king, who was made a penitent by his supporters while Erwig's supporters raised him to the throne.
After falling seriously ill, Erwig proclaimed his son-in-law Ergica, the husband of his daughter Cixilo, as his heir on 14 November 687 and retired to a monastery as a penitent the next day, after giving leave to his court to return to Toledo with Egica for the anointing and crowning.
Penitent for mistreating his Saber Dolls during his reign, Gelhardt von Faust requests through a letter that he would like Tiger, Panther and Luchs to live with Otaru to improve their etiquette and culinary skills.