Vocabulary Word
Word: plenary
Definition: (of power) complete; full; fully attended by all qualified members; Ex. plenary power
Definition: (of power) complete; full; fully attended by all qualified members; Ex. plenary power
Sentences Containing 'plenary'
So technically speaking, until there’s a regional plenary, I’m still the regional chair.
And until there’s a national plenary, Mark is still the national president.”
The passage in which Dunton records this transaction has all his characteristic naïveté, though it may be doubted whether, if Bradshaw lived to read it, he derived much satisfaction from the plenary dispensation which was granted him — "If Mr. Bradshaw be yet alive, I here declare to the world and to him that I freely forgive him what he owes both in money and books if he will only be so kind as to make me a visit".
In 2006, Olsson gave the plenary speech at the annual meeting of The American Society of Psychoanalytic Physicians, where he spoke about his "Malignant Pied Pipers of Our Time", and took questions from fellow physicians.
APP was itself replaced in November 2007 when the BIS amended 15 CFR to include the December 2006 Wassenaar Arrangement Plenary Agreement Implementation's new metric - Gigaflops (GFLOPS), one billion floating point operations per second, or TeraFLOPS, one trillion floating point operations per second.
Perhaps in anticipation of Bishop Simon's impending death, John II, King of France, had petitioned for a plenary indulgence on Simon's behalf, a petition which was granted by Pope Innocent IV on 18 June 1354.
During the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee it was announced that China will reduce the number of crimes subject to death penalty "step by step".
His Excellency President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, in his opening speech at FD4, told the plenary “… it’s time for all of us to push, and push hard for the full incorporation of REDD+ into a long-term international climate change agreement.” In a passionate plea, the Mexican president also stressed, “Either we change our way of life now, or climate change will change it for us.”
Keynote speeches by Daniel Nepstad, Director of the International Program at the Amazon Environmental Research Institute and Mirna Cunningham Kain, Chair of the Center for Autonomy and Development of Indigenous Peoples, emphasized the critical needs for both sound forestry and climate change science, and pro-active engagement with indigenous people and forest-dependent communities as the de facto and de jure custodians of land and forest resources to secure equitable outcomes.
Ishmael Reed made an appearance as a plenary speaker at the 2008 Festival, which took place at Chapman University.
The institute is divided into plenary sessions that feature current work from institute faculty and research seminars in which all participants present and discuss their own work-in-progress.
Speakers in the plenary sessions will examine the relation between emergent and residual practices in the field of American Studies from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives.
The Plenary meeting is a bi-annual discussion forum where all ECBC members gather around the table to discuss issues and to establish strong network links.
They consist of plenary sessions, lectures and meetings.
The Gecommitteerde Raden (executive committee) of the States of Holland moved immediately to reassert their authority over the army and convened a plenary session of the States.
Its Chair or members often addresses the plenary of the Conference of Parties such as Baerbel Dieckman in 2007.
During the opening plenary founder Jimmy Wales commented on "Wikipedia Blackout" of January 2012, stating "When I go and visit government officials now, they’re a little bit afraid."
The type species of "Fulgora" is "Cicada laternaria" Linnaeus, 1758, designated under the Plenary Powers by ICZN (1954: 185).
Members of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly met for the second ARLEM plenary session in Agadir (Morocco) on 29 January 2011 where the local and regional leaders of the Mediterranean adopted three major reports on local management on water, urban development and the territorial dimension of the Union for the Mediterranean.
In Finland, the government must reply to an interpellation in a plenary session within 15 days.
A member of the Constitutional Affairs Committee and a substitute for the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee Brons has, up to 1 December 2010, made seventy-eight speeches in plenary sessions.
He joined the Party leadership in December 1991, when he was appointed an alternate member of the WPK Central Committee at the 19th Plenary Meeting of the 6th Central Committee.
The first stage is the agreement of the principles of the Assembly Measure, which means the first approval of the legislation for it to be scrutinised, then it will have to be scrutinized at committee level, where a committee of Assembly Members can debate and add more to the Measure which is then accompanied with debates in 'plenary', which would be required to approve the amendments.
Under the 1999 Constitution, military officers are entitled to a pre-trial hearing before the Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice to rule on whether they should be charged with a crime.
In March 2010 resigned from the Diet after being accused of pressing the voting button for fellow lawmaker Mikio Aoki, whose Diet seat was next to him, while Aoki was absent from a house plenary vote.
In August of that year, a plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee adopted an 11-point instruction on the interpretation and application of article 13 (mentioned above).