Vocabulary Word
Word: seemly
Definition: (of behavior) proper; appropriate
Definition: (of behavior) proper; appropriate
Sentences Containing 'seemly'
Pious, well-meant reproof requires a different demeanour and arguments of another sort; at any rate, to have reproved me in public, and so roughly, exceeds the bounds of proper reproof, for that comes better with gentleness than with rudeness; and it is not seemly to call the sinner roundly blockhead and booby, without knowing anything of the sin that is reproved.
But I would have thee bear in mind, Sancho, that very often it is fitting and necessary for the authority of office to resist the humility of the heart; for the seemly array of one who is invested with grave duties should be such as they require and not measured by what his own humble tastes may lead him to prefer.
Then, beside the pillow of what seemed to be the dead body, suddenly appeared a fair youth in a Roman habit, who, to the accompaniment of a harp which he himself played, sang in a sweet and clear voice these two stanzas: While fair Altisidora, who the sport Of cold Don Quixote's cruelty hath been, Returns to life, and in this magic court The dames in sables come to grace the scene, And while her matrons all in seemly sort My lady robes in baize and bombazine, Her beauty and her sorrows will I sing With defter quill than touched the Thracian string.
In general thickness, they all bore a seemly correspondence to their length.
In this key, the congregation joins in the singing of the hymn known as "Old Hundredth Psalm Tune", which misses out verses 2 and 5 and begins with the words “All people that on earth do dwell.” The semichorus sings an upliftingly beautiful descant in Verse 2, rising up to a top B on the word "it" in For "it" is seemly so to do.
The religion of Islam does not require people to disdain seemly laughter and levity and remain perpetually gloomy.