Vocabulary Word
Word: stupor
Definition: state of being stupefied; state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness
Definition: state of being stupefied; state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness
Sentences Containing 'stupor'
Lucie had, by that time, fallen into a stupor on the floor at his feet, clinging to his hand.
The grating against the library door aroused the young girl from the stupor in which she was plunged, and which almost amounted to insensibility.
Then walking towards Morrel, he took his hand; the tumultuous agitation of the young man was succeeded by a profound stupor.
It would be difficult to describe the state of stupor in which Villefort left the Palais.
She then entreated me to come upstairs, sobbing that Mr. Barkis had always liked me and admired me; that he had often talked of me, before he fell into a stupor; and that she believed, in case of his coming to himself again, he would brighten up at sight of me, if he could brighten up at any earthly thing.
The Psychologist recovered from his stupor, and suddenly looked under the table.
"Like one who after a night of drunken revelry hies to his bed, still reeling, but with conscience yet pricking him, as the plungings of the Roman race-horse but so much the more strike his steel tags into him; as one who in that miserable plight still turns and turns in giddy anguish, praying God for annihilation until the fit be passed; and at last amid the whirl of woe he feels, a deep stupor steals over him, as over the man who bleeds to death, for conscience is the wound, and there's naught to staunch it; so, after sore wrestlings in his berth, Jonah's prodigy of ponderous misery drags him drowning down to sleep.
Neurological signs and symptoms include cerebellar ataxia (unsteady walking with uncoordinated limb movements), dysarthria (slurred speech), dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), tremor, epilepsy (both partial and generalized), vertical supranuclear palsy (upgaze palsy, downgaze palsy, saccadic palsy or paralysis), sleep inversion, gelastic cataplexy (sudden loss of muscle tone or drop attacks), dystonia (abnormal movements or postures caused by contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles across joints), most commonly begins with in turning of one foot when walking (action dystonia) and may spread to become generalized, spasticity (velocity dependent increase in muscle tone), hypotonia, ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid), microcephaly (abnormally small head), psychosis, progressive dementia, progressive hearing loss, bipolar disorder, major and psychotic depression that can include hallucinations, delusions, mutism, or stupor.
After returning home though, he can no longer look at Phèdre because she is an "anguissette", and leaves the house to drink himself into a stupor.
He lost the use of his speech, and fell into a state of stupor, which lasted for forty-eight hours.
In a drunken stupor Viren ends up at Bhatti's doorstep demanding his money back, while Mini's engagement to Sunny is in progress.
The deputy editor of Bezhbozhnik Anton Loginov explained:
it’s common knowledge that religion is opium... poison, stupor, moonshine, and yet we are not supposed to insult believers’ feelings.