Vocabulary Word
Word: taut
Definition: tight; strained; tense; ready; OP. slack
Definition: tight; strained; tense; ready; OP. slack
Sentences Containing 'taut'
Telegraph and telephone wires which in winter are stretched taut from pole to pole, sag in hot weather and are much too long.
If the wires were stretched taut in the summer, there would not be sufficient leeway for the contraction which accompanies cold weather, and in winter they would snap.
Take it along to the next point, as shown by the dotted line, and pass it through and across the opening again, and so on, until B is reached, when the thread should be held by some sealing wax quite taut everywhere.
The relentlessness hollows antihero Saunders out: at times, you can see the tombstones in his eyes.Most of the first 32 episodes are very good indeed, thanks to taut scripts and canny direction...
In mathematics, a (compact) taut submanifold "N" of a space form "M" is a compact submanifold with the property that for every formula_1 the distance function
is a perfect Morse function.
White to grayish in color, it is initially smooth, but develops a network of polygonal marks on the surface prior to opening as the internal structures expand and stretch the peridium taut.
The scale used a viscous fluid dashpot type of damping system and was remarkably fast. It soon became the favorite scale for many industrial applications because the torsion type taut band suspension made it very rugged and the simplicity of weighing combined with its fast damping made QC testing a simple chore.
In 2010, Patrick Mulkern of "Radio Times" described "The Sontaran Experiment" as "short, taut and sadistic" and wrote that "impetus and panache prevail over problems with plot logic".
Mixing sharp wit and humor with the taut suspense of a psychological thriller, Becky Shaw is a comedy of romantic errors that keeps audiences at the edge of their seats guessing what will happen next.
Especially when a guerrilla force has limited supplies, there is tactical utility to improvising devices, which could be as simple as a hand grenade, fastened next to a trail, and with a taut wire attached to the activating lever of the grenade.
Tabor's motto is "All-A-Taut-O", referring to the condition in which a ship is fully rigged and everything is in place.
Among other contributions to the school was his design of the current seal of the school, which features a full rigged ship and the motto “All-a-taut-o.” He selected the seal as an image to students to “sail towards broader horizons” and the motto because of its nautical meaning as the state of a vessel when everything is shipshape and accounted for.
The high "b" makes the first string very taut, and consequently a conventionally gauged string would easily break.