Vocabulary Word
Word: throes
Definition: violent anguish
Definition: violent anguish
Sentences Containing 'throes'
There he sat, all alone, doubling himself up and writhing this way and that, in the throes of unappeasable laughter.
A. -LRB- After long hesitation and many throes and spasms.-RRB-
Often, when forced from his hammock by exhausting and intolerably vivid dreams of the night, which, resuming his own intense thoughts through the day, carried them on amid a clashing of phrensies, and whirled them round and round and round in his blazing brain, till the very throbbing of his life-spot became insufferable anguish; and when, as was sometimes the case, these spiritual throes in him heaved his being up from its base, and a chasm seemed opening in him, from which forked flames and lightnings shot up, and accursed fiends beckoned him to leap down among them; when this hell in himself yawned beneath him, a wild cry would be heard through the ship; and with glaring eyes Ahab would burst from his state room, as though escaping from a bed that was on fire.
Born in throes, 't is fit that man should live in pains and die in pangs!
A naked Roger looks out the window of his hotel room at the city, in the throes of an LSD trip, and raises both of his arms into the air.
He retired on January 31, 1980, after a long battle to save Braniff from the throes of deregulation combined with a national economic downturn and unprecedented rises in fuel costs.
The industrial production value descended to one seventh of the value of 1913, and agriculture to one third. According to "Pravda", "The workers of the towns and some of the villages choke in the throes of hunger.
During 2006, she underwent a series of intensive training and released her first single "The Throes of Master" (高手過招) in 2007.
When Ada began his first term Guam was in the throes of an economic recession with the government suffering under a crushing deficit.