Use of prepositional phrases

prepositional phrases

The chart above provides only a few examples of the unlimited number of prepositional phrases which you could construct. As you can see, a prepositional phrase provides important information. Prepositional phrases answer the following questions: How? Where? Which one? What kind? When? To what extent?

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Prepositional phrases may classified as either adverb phrases or adjective phrases.

Examples of prepositional phrases as adjective phrases

An adjective phrase will answer the question, ‘Which one?
  • I bought a white bird with yellow feet.
In the sentence above, ‘with’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘with yellow feet’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Which bird?’ Answer: the one with yellow feet
  • The kiosk at the corner sells magazines.
In the sentence above, ‘at’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘at the corner’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Which kiosk?’ Answer: the one at the corner
  • The boy in the blue shirt is my little brother.
In the sentence above, ‘in’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘in the blue shirt’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Which boy?’ Answer: the one in the blue shirt
  • The book on that shelf is old and worn.
In the sentence above, ‘on’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘on that shelf’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Which book?’ Answer: the one on that shelf

Examples of prepositional phrases as adverb phrases

An adverb phrase will answer questions such as How? When?, Where?
  • It annoys me when babies cry during church services.
In the sentence above, ‘during’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘during church services’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘When are you annoyed by babies?’ Answer: when they cry during church services
  • George looked under the rock to see if she could find worms.
In the sentence above, ‘under’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘under the rock’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Where did George look?’ Answer: he looked under the rock
  • I’ll meet you after work.
In the sentence above, ‘after’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘after work’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘When will we meet?’ Answer: we will meet after work
  • The moon rose over the ocean.
In the sentence above, ‘over’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘over the ocean’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Where did the moon rise?’ Answer: over the ocean

Example sentences with prepositional phrases as adjective phrases

  • We stayed at the hotel by the ancient Mayan ruins.
In the sentence above, ‘by’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘by the ancient Mayan ruins’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Which hotel?’ Answer: the one by the ancient Mayan ruins
  • The soldier in the front row of seats is the one I admire.
In the sentence above, ‘in’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘in the front row of seats’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Which soldier?’ Answer: the one in the front row of seats
  • The commercials during the football game interrupted my reading of the homework assignment.
In the sentence above, ‘during’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘during the football game’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Which commercials?’ Answer: the ones during the football game
  • The shoes under the chair were chewed by the dog.
In the sentence above, ‘under’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘under the chair’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Which shoes?’ Answer: the ones under the chair
  • The dishes in the sink need to be washed.
In the sentence above, ‘in’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘in the sink’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Which dishes?’ Answer: the dishes in the sink
  • The man on the plane is my uncle Bob.
In the sentence above, ‘on’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘on the plane’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Which man?’ Answer: the man on the plane
  • The boy behind you will steal your purse.
In the sentence above, ‘behind’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘behind you’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Which boy?’ Answer: the one behind you
  • The girl with him is his granddaughter.
In the sentence above, ‘with’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘with him’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Which girl?’ ” Answer: the one with him

Example sentences with prepositional phrases as adverb phrases

  • When you get to the sign, take a left.
In the sentence above, ‘to’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘to the sign’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘When do I take a left?’ Answer: when you get to the sign
  • Jack and Jill climbed up the hill to fetch a pail of water.
In the sentence above, ‘up’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘up the hill’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Where did Jack and Jill climb?’ Answer: they climbed up the hill
  • Ron stepped onto the bus.
In the sentence above, ‘onto’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘onto the bus’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Where did Ron step?’ Answer: onto the bus
  • The couple doing the Tango danced across the floor.
In the sentence above, ‘across’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘across the floor’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘Where did the couple dance?’ Answer: across the floor
  • During the movie, the baby slept.
In the sentence above, ‘during’ is the preposition. The prepositional phrase is ‘during the movie’. The prepositional phrase answers the question, ‘When did the baby sleep? Answer: during the movie

Constructing sentences with more than one prepositional phrase

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